TV Show: The OA - Series One (2016)

Let me start by saying... Wow! Having watched all eight episodes over two consecutive nights, that would be the one word I would use to sum up the whole show. Something about the way this has been produced reminds me of another series I am currently viewing, 'Legion' which I am also enjoying. What I have noticed with the way television series are being approached now is they seem to have adopted shorter episode runs with more of a focus on the main story. Where the shows that have come before had there twenty-four or so episode long seasons thus spreading the story arcs thinly while padding out with unrelated filler episodes. Netflix and other internet based TV (and film) providers have played a huge role in this and to much success along with releasing all episodes in one day! It seems to be the future of television and of course we still have series on television that have the long seasons but most with fewer episodes. I for one am quite happy with that as I was not particularly a fan of filler episodes with the exception of The X-Files which I adored, very good filler episodes at times. Anyway enough of this, let us talk about The OA.

This one nearly slipped me by because it just didn't seem to get the same exposure as say Stranger Things which is surprising as this to me looks at least as intriguing. It started with a very interesting opening episode which set up the story very well with a video recording from someone witnessing a woman jumping off a bridge. As the episode nears the end, the opening credits start... yes, the opening rolls with not even ten minutes left! This, is where the series truly starts and we reach a point that sets up what we will witness over the remainder of the episodes. As a whole it doesn't exactly move along at a brisk pace, it is what you would call a slow burner but due to the tightness of the episodes, it kept me engaged and the last three episodes had me glued to the screen right up until that incredible finale!

What was great by the ending was I was still wondering about what I had seen which is always a good sign. It was open for you to decide what was what and it ended in such a way that if it didn't return for a second series then that is fine but as it is, it will be returning for a second and I for one, look forward very much to seeing that.

As for those who I would recommend this to, that is difficult. It seems to draw comparisons to Stranger Things which I don't agree with. They have very few similarities and they would appeal to different types of viewers although I enjoyed both, I had to watch them with different mindsets. I found Stranger Things entertaining whilst The OA was thought provoking and engaging. All I can say is give them both a try while I look forward to both their second seasons.   


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