Album: Laura Critchley - Sometimes I (2007)

Another interesting story to this one. Back in the summer of 2006 (a particularly hot summer if I recall) and the days of MySpace, (anyone remember that) I found out about this upcoming artist Laura Critchley. I can't remember exactly how but it may have been through Lucie Silvas' page however one feature I remember very well was the amount of customisation one could apply to their page and one such feature was the ability to put up music tracks for others to listen to. This proved very useful for new artists to try and get their music out there (before the days of Bandcamp) and I had discovered a few through MySpace this way! I believe Lily Allen came to success thanks to MySpace aswell. Looking back I think the limit was four songs for them to upload and you could also download them which is what I had done with the very talented Laura Critchley who I'm talking about here. I enjoyed the tracks so much that I had messaged her on MySpace to congratulate her on a f...