Film: Mine Games (2012)

It has been a while what with Easter and more people about, I have struggled to concentrate so some practice is in order. With that said, what better film to review than another one of the Horror Channel's finest.... Hold that thought, here goes!

Now bearing in mind I watched this off the back of a film that I found rather poor (completely different genre), this appeared in a brighter light in comparison but it isn't all that good especially when put up against films of a similar variety in my opinion. The difficulty here is to try and avoid giving away anything and if I was to say what films it was similar to, it would. On a number of occasions where I have viewed a film without knowing anything about it first, it has worked in my favour even if the film in question has been given a bit of a bashing from others, I have enjoyed it. A couple of examples would be 'The Spirit (2009)' and 'Legion (2010)' with the latter especially. All I would say is the film I (and many others looking at reviews elsewhere) think of as being far better than this with the same sort of plot comes out head and shoulders above the rest. That's not to say this is a bad film though, it certainly started promisingly enough if a bit familiar and had a fittingly brooding atmosphere. Also the characters were unusually not of the irritating kind which helped keep the interest going even up until the daft decisions they started to make, the pacing was tight throughout right to the relatively satisfactory (if unbelievable.... did you expect anything else?) ending.

Not much else can be said in this un-spoilered (as I aim with all of them) review so with that, my recommendations. If you like creepy films without the gore and an intriguing plot, this is definitely worth watching.

Hopefully it won't be such a long wait for the next entry.

Thank you for reading!


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