Film: Adrift (2006) a.k.a. Open Water 2

I wasn't going to review this originally but after seeing this on the Horror Channel the other evening, I just had to talk about it. I have to say first of all that I found this film rather silly, I knew it wasn't going to be an incredible watch by any means but I felt it had potential. Perhaps I have seen too many of these stranded at sea type films but I found myself getting rather frustrated with the situations that arose throughout and I should be able to just take it for what it is. One saving grace was they didn't go down that very familiar route we tend to get with these films (I will let you take a guess at what I mean there) which was rather refreshing but mostly everything else got to me. From the moment the lead character stepped on the boat (sorry I do beg your pardon, IT'S A YACHT!) carrying her baby, my face met the palm of my hand and so it went on from there. I won't say much more about the film from here as saying anymore I may as...