Albums: Giraffe - The Power of Suggestion (1987) / The View from Here (1988)

I am a big fan of these albums since discovering the band through an internet radio station. I heard the track 'All Fall Down' on and my initial thought was "is that Level 42?" before glancing over to the display to see 'Giraffe - All Fall Down' scrolling across the screen. It was from there that I went on to seek it out on YouTube and found that the track itself is from the album 'The View from Here' but none of the other tracks from the record were on there (although at the time of writing there is now a video containing the entire album). However what I did find of Giraffe's was a playlist of all the tracks from their debut 'The Power of Suggestion' and so that quickly became the album I familiarised myself with and what a fine record it is too. It is immediately apparent from the opening track on 'The Power of Suggestion' that this is an 80's record. It has a Trevor Horn feel in the production and so f...